A Masjid is the house of Allah for all humanity. The Masjid does not belong to a particular individual and where, there is no difference on the basis of nationality, colour, ethnicity or wealth. In there, everyone is an equal, standing shoulder to shoulder asking mercy from the Almighty.
With complete submission to the Almighty, ORO24 begins its first journey into its construction of projects through an elegant and unique masjid; rooted in Islamic architectural values yet balanced with urban with modern sensibilities to take you to a spiritual high.
The masjid is designed with bespoke planning and sustainability initiatives to offer an unparalleled world away from the mundane and busy reality of the home sphere, where peace meets serenity. When completed, this masjid shall be the soul of Arjan; providing a space for regeneration of spiritual power through prayers, remembrance of Allah, recital of the Quran and supplications.
Equipped to accommodate 408 Male and 120 female, with a Built-Up-Area of 13,231.106 sq ft and 34 parking spaces, the masjid provides inner peace combined with ease and comfort to prayer seekers within Arjan and surrounding neighbourhoods to attend congregational prayers and seek divine blessings of the Almighty.